Want to lend a helping hand?
In Massachusetts, and especially in Pittsfield people believe in giving back to their Town. If you are interested in getting involved with Pittsfield Dollars for Scholars, to help with the Toll Gate in the Spring, to help fundraising at other times of the year, assist in the scholarship evaluation process, or a host of other things that need to be done, please contact one of the following:
Chi Bellmore Secretary PittsfieldDollarsforScholars@gmail.com
Pittsfield Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 1921
Pittsfield, MA 01202
For Current Board Members: Click below to log into the ChapterNet Administrative Area, where you can manage your contacts, scholarships and website. If you have not signed up as a ChapterNet user, please click the Chapter Contact link above to contact a volunteer administrator and get started.